[For-get-me-not] Pricing


Included below are prices for both one off visits and longer term maintenance.

Looking after the graves of love-ones is a deeply personal service and so anything that isn’t listed, don’t hesitate to contact us.


Periodic Maintenance


Long term care for graves.

This is a good option for those who live some distance from the site or anyone who simply wants the piece of mind that the grave will be kept looking at its best.

Single Visits and Additions

Full Planting and Re-design

Along with maintenance,  we can fully redesign the planting of the plot, working within the rules of the particular site.

I offer two approaches to the design; classic planting of a mix of low-growing evergreens and seasonal colour or a more naturalistic approach. For nature lovers and people interested in wildlife preservation it is possible to introduce a mix of bulbs and wild flowers.